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Recognizing Excellence

in the Practice of Tax Law

Encouraging And Advancing Tax


Promoting Discussion And Examination

Of tax Policy Issues


The College provides recognition to leading members of the Bar who have made significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of our tax system.

To be eligible for election as a Fellow in the College, a nominee must meet the following requirements:

  • Has been a member of the bar of one or more States of the United States (or the District of Columbia, possessions, or territories of the United States) for at least 15 years prior to the date of their election to membership as a Fellow in the College;

  • Is currently engaged in (or is retired or semi-retired from) full-time legal work, either in a private law practice, corporate legal or tax department, governmental legal position, trade association, or a law or business school or other graduate-level teaching position;

  • The principal part of the nominee’s professional experience over the course of his or her career has been devoted to tax and tax-related matters;

  • Is not associated with the nominator’s firm or faculty; and

  • Has demonstrated a high standard of excellence and ethical performance in the practice of tax law, having engaged in two or more of the following:

    1. Active involvement with the work of any of the Section of Taxation of the American Bar Association, the National Bar Association, other national affinity bar organizations, or the Federal Bar Association, the Taxes Committee of the International Bar Association, or the International Fiscal Association, or active involvement in tax committees or sections of regional, state or local bar associations

    2. Active involvement in planning and/or speaking at tax seminars or programs which are international, national, regional or statewide in scope

    3. Significant legal writing and/or teaching in the field of taxation (other than firm newsletters or marketing materials)

    4. Holding responsible national or regional office involving tax administration with the federal, state or local government, with a global intergovernmental organization or with a multi-state commission

Membership into the College is by nomination of a current fellow in good standing and election only.

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